Life Without Lupus - Wheels for a Life without Lupus: We Made It!

Friday, November 28, 2008

We Made It!

Well, now a week or so later, after the big Lupus Gala in NYC, the gang of 500+ at the event itself plus the hundreds of others who weren't there but donated, hit a total of $2.5 million.  Fantastic.  Lupus doesn't know a good economy from a bad one.  Our family, along with the Selkowitz crew, was honored that evening and all 5 of us had a chance to say our part.  The girls did great, and my wife of course, but our son stole the show...after introducing himself ("Hi, I'm ____"), he unrolled the skimpy lycra bicycle shorts he stole from my drawer and said: "Do you think my Dad can fit his body into these shorts?"  Bravo, big man.  Lots of miles riding this week with the thought of Alex, a new online Cheerer, and his now-passed brother who had SLE and for his suffering sister with the same.  I'm out there for your family, Alex!  The research that's in the pipeline is coming soon, and it will make a difference.


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